Is john travolta gay or bi

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Really, what we're dealing with today is public perception. No Andy Dick, David Bowie, or any other bisexual actor is included (unless they're closeted bisexual, and we're none the wiser). Well, since we're not big fans of bi-erasure, every actor on this list considers themselves heterosexual. Now, one thing we noticed about lists like this that discuss the sexuality of stars is that there seems to be an either-or stance-either the actor is straight or gay, with nothing in-between. We don't presume to know anything other than what the actors themselves have addressed, so unless we missed something, every classification in this list is based on what the actor has said. If the star has talked about it, we're going to comment on it. We want to know everything about celebrities, and that includes their love life. There are entire channels dedicated to shows about celebrity lifestyles. Do we, as the celebrity-obsessed public, want to know about celebrities' personal lives? Yeah, kinda. Will it change our opinion of the person? No. Whenever people ask if an actor identifies as gay, bisexual, or straight, you often hear people say, 'Does it matter?' Well, that depends. While we don't care who sleeps with who where or when, we do care about celebrities, especially those who are actors or actresses.

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